8/5/24 New Haven, CT – Man Walks Up To Cruiser In Front Of Police Station – Jumps In It – A Police Officer Was In The Passenger Side Making A Report – The Man Stole The Police Car – Crashed Into A Sign – He Then Hit A Trash Can And A Church – Arrested

August 5, 2024


A man was arrested Sunday night for trying to steal a police cruiser while an officer was inside it.

At around 10:45 p.m., New Haven police said officers Rios and Roch were stationed at the Hill South District Substation on Congress Avenue.

Rios went inside the building and left Roch in the passenger seat to write a report.

That’s when they said 49-year-old Stacey Footman approached the driver’s side of the cruiser and demanded that Roch get out of the vehicle.

When Roch unlocked the doors to comply, police said Footman climbed into the driver’s seat and tried to drive away.

They said Roch prevented the cruiser from hitting another car or person by wrestling with the steering wheel, which caused the vehicle to crash into a one-way street sign, a trash can. and the doors of the Deliverance Temple Pentecostal Church at 584 Congress Ave.

Following the collision, Roch reported that he saw a small glass pipe in Footman’s possession.

Footman was arrested on the scene for the incident as well as two outstanding warrants.

Officers called it a suicide by cop attempt as Footman could be heard yelling “shoot!”

Both Footman and Roch suffered minor injuries.

Footman remained hospitalized under police guard with a $500,000 bond.

He was charged with larceny in the second degree, kidnapping in the second degree, assault of public safety personnel, criminal trover in the second degree, and interfering with an officer.

“This is yet another example of the inherent risks that police officers face daily and even when sitting in a cruiser you are marked for violence due to your job,” said New Haven police Chief Karl Jacobson. “To have a dangerous individual attempt to kidnap an officer and steal a marked police car is outrageous. The suspect then attempts to be in a suicide by police officer scenario and the officers deal with this taking him into custody. I am thankful that no one was seriously injured, and I commend Officer Roch for his quick thinking that kept this from being something far worse.”

Police said Footman was known to them from previous arrests and encounters over the last 10 years.