06/27/12 Macon, GA – Police Chase In Stolen Jeep – Suspect Handcuffed – Steals Macon Patrol Car – Second Chase – Crashes Into Guardrail

June 27, 2012


A young man is arrested after leading police on a chase twice, once in a cop car he stole.

Police say 24-year-old Ryan Lee Borders was seen driving a stolen black Jeep on Pio Nono Avenue near Rocky Creek. Once Borders saw police, a chase ensued. He was later apprehended and placed in the back of a patrol car.

But while police were investigating, Borders, who police say was handcuffed, managed to get in the front seat of the patrol car and drive away. He hit a guard rail on Oak Haven causing the chase to end.

This is his seventh arrest since 2006.

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